logo Gemma di Mare mini
italiano inglese


In Italy, CSI is a leader in the production of precious and completely natural sea salt. The environment, health, safety, and quality: these are the values that guide us and allow us to satisfy the needs and tastes of each one of our consumers.


Compagnia Italiana Sali was born as a family-run company. The state still held the monopoly on salt production.


With the liberalization of the sale of salt, CIS started to release the product throughout Italy, entering the market with the brand Gemma di Mare, which soon spread into large-scale retail.


Gemma di Mare is the first Italian company to produce and sell iodized sea salt in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.


CIS becomes part of the Salins Group, Europe's largest salt producer: along with providing salt to the food sector, it supplies many industrial sectors, from chemical and textile to road de-icing.


The range of Gemma di Mare brand products is extended with the Unrefined line. Every launch on the market is supported by food education campaigns, validated by scientific specialists.


The great work of restyling the packaging - more modern, appealing and immediately recognizable - gives strength and identity to the brand, with particular attention to the enhancement of the labels.


In 2014 Gemma di Mare turned 40 years old!
And the first natural salt with 50% less sodium is presented, with thanks to a patented recipe with magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Gemma di Mare Essential was born.


The Unrefined range is enriched with new products: pink and gray salts of origin.


The implementation of new plants and machinery in Porto Viro makes CIS a forerunner industrial company and a virtuous example of an Italian production workshop.